Bistable multivibrator are explained with circuit diagram and Compression between astable ,Monostable and Bistable multivibrator


Bistable multivibrator:-

Multivibrator which has both the stable state are called bistable multivibrator. 

In this multivibrator both the state are stable and can exist in either of two stable state. 
It not change its output state without the triggering pulses applied.

Circuit diagram of bistable multivibrator 

The circuit of bistable multivibrator consists of two identical common emitter (CE) amplifier stage with output of one is feed to the input of other. The feedback is coupled with R2 and R3 in parallel with capacitor C1 and C2. When Vcc is applied in, one then that transistor will start conducting. This will make one transistor in saturation and other  transistor in the cut off. We Assume that Q1 is turned ON and Q2 is in cutoff means in OFF state. A negative pulse applied at the base terminal of Q2 through capacitor C4 will cause it start to conduct. When triggering input of one is positive at that time  the output is high and when negative triggering at input two is high at that time  the output will be low.

Compression set between Astable, Monostable, and Bistable multivibrator:-

Astable multivibrator:-

  1. It has two Quasi stable state. 
  2. It is a square wave generator. 
  3. It is a square wave generator and freerunning multivibrator i.e it does not require triggering pulse. 
  4. It can be used as a voltage to frequency converter and in Pulse synchronisation. As clock for binary logic signals. 
  5. Pulse Width or gate width.
t = 0.69 (R1C1 + R2+C2)
If R1=R2=R and C1=C2=C then 
t = 1.38 Rc

Monostable multivibrator:-

  1. It has one stable and one Quasi stable state. 
  2. It is pulse wave generator.
  3.  It requires only one triggering pulse to change the state temporally and then circuit returns to its original state. 
  4. It can be used as a time delay unit since it produces a transition at a fixed time after the trigger signal. 
  5. Pulse Width or gate Width.
t = 0.09 C1 R1

Bistable multivibrator:-

  1. It has two stable state. 
  2. It is a flip-flop mode up of discrete components. 
  3. It requires triggering Pulse for every transition.
  4.  It can be used as a frequency divider as a divide by Two counter. 
  5. Positive and negative pulses are of equal width.

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