TELEVISION SYSTEM :- Components televisionsystem,TRANSMISSION of T.V, RECEPTION ,SYNCHRONIZATION in full detail.


  • The word television means seen at a distance, where TELE means  distance or VISION means see.
  •  Television are made by JL Baird in UK and CF tinkering around 1927 first demonstrated the television by using mechanical scanning technique.
  • TV broadcast is started in 1935.
  • In this system many components are used like camera tube, picture tube, microphone ,loudspeaker.

Component of television system:- 

Camera tube : In this component the optical signal are converted in electrical signal.

Picture tube:In this component the electrical signal are converted in optical signal. 

Microphone: In this component the sound signal are converted in electrical signals. 

Loudspeaker: In this component the electrical signal are converted in sound signals. 

Elements of T.V system:-

  1. Picture transmission 
  2. Sound transmission 
  3. Picture reception 
  4. Sound reception 
  5. Synchronization 
  6. T.v controller 

  • Picture transmission:- In this elements first optical image are converted in electrical signal and after that this electrical signal are converted in electromagnetic signals by transmitting antenna.
  • Sound transmission:- In this element microphone is a transducer which converts sound signal into electrical signal after that the electrical signal are transmitted by transmitting antenna and converted in electromagnetic signal. 
  • Picture reception:- In this elements first electromagnetic signal are converted in electrical signals by receiving antenna and then the electrical signal are converted in optical signals by using of picture tube.
  • Sound reception:- In this elements the  electromagnetic signal are converted in electrical signals by receiving antenna and then the electrical signal are converted in sound signals by loudspeaker. 
  • Synchronization:- In this elements the process by which scanning rate is maintained between TV camera and cathode ray tube by the synchronisation we can maintain the frame rate of transmitter and receiver in this process clock pulses in accordance of trans receiver sharp pulse are send between each video signal.
  • Tv controller:- In this elements the TV tuner change the RF tuning circuit ,volume control and brightness control and tunned many frequencies are done by this section in receiver controller.

Aspect ratio:- aspect ratio is defined as the ratio of width and height of a picture frame is called aspect ratio the aspect ratio are 4:3 

Aspect ratio = Width/height

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