Plumbicon camera tubes construction, working principle, application and advantage &disadvantage

 INTRODUCTION of plumbicon camera tube:- 

Constructional diagram of plumbicon camera tube 
  • This camera tubes are developed by Philips in year 1963 to eliminate the image lag which problem is obtained in vidicon camera tube .
  • In plumbicon camera tube a photoconductive target plate of lead mono oxide sandwiched between n type and P type layer.
  •  Because of lead which is sandwitched between n type and p type material cause of this sandwiching pattern this tube is known as plumbicon camera tube.
  • N type material is made up of tin oxide  Sno2.
  • P type material is made up of dopped Pbo.
  • Intrinsic material means lead monoxide ,i type material. 


  • Plumbicon camera tube consists of a glass in violin with an optical flat faceplate.
  • The inside of face plate is coated with tin oxide,intrinsic material and, dopped Pbo which is transparent to light and good conductor of electricity.
  • Pbo layer is deposited on Sno film as Sno2 is N type of material.
  • The layer of pbo towards is Sno2 becomes dopped with n type material particles.
  • The layer of pbo towards the scanning side is dopped with p type material.
  • Now a target plate becomes pin diode having and intrinsic material sandwiching between P type and N type material.


  • The target plate of plumbicon camera tube consists of pin diode.
  • Intrinsic layer of electric field setup is very high.
  • The high fields makes all the released electron to move away from the target plate quickly and eliminate the image lag which is obtained in plumbicon camera tube so the output of this tube is free from image lag.
  • The pin diode acts as a capacitor and the free electron released by the light cause a resistance to be formed across the capacitor.
  • Here working of focus coil, deflecting alignment coil, heater cathode ,electron gun section, control grid ,accelerating grid, scanning beam are same as vidicon camera tube.
It is used in studio as well as outdoor shooting.
It is used for shooted for colour TV.
Outdoor application.

Same as vidicon camera tube.
Small in size .
Light in weight.
Low power consumption.
No image lag.
Output signal are proportional to image intensity.

Less sensitivity than image orthicon camera tube.
Large in size than vidicon camera tube camera tube.
So they are bulky than vidicon camera tube.
Less resolution than vidicon camera tube.

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